2Jn 1:12-13  “Having many things to write unto you, I would not write with paper and ink: but I trust to come unto you, and speak face to face, that our joy may be full. The children of thy elect sister greet thee. Amen.”

Scriptural, Spirit-inspired writing is a good thing. It gives the reader an insight into the writer’s thoughts and, hopefully, what experience and reasoning has led the writer to pen the words. As ministers, we have many things to write (or describe) to those that love the Lord. Writing allows the reader to return to those thoughts and consider them again and again, comparing the words to Holy Scripture and to the witness of the Holy Spirit in their hearts.

Writing my thoughts and insights is not something I take lightly. I approach these efforts with prayer and a deep desire to say only that which is right concerning this awesome and loving God that we serve. I do not write so that others might think me wise or hold me in high regard. I write with the hope that God might use me to say something about Him that will encourage those who take the time to read: to give consideration to their relationship with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. I am thankful for the opportunity to write because it allows me to share my love for God with people I may never see face to face.

If I were blessed to write every day, I could never say enough about the glory and majesty of the God we love and serve. My words so often fall short of describing what my heart knows about Him; indeed, many things to describe to you. However, like John, my greatest desire is not just to write but to stand in the presence of God and His people, be filled with the Spirit, speak His holy name, and hear be able to hear His people express their love for Him. There is an indescribable joy in standing in the presence of my brothers and sisters and seeing mirrored in your faces what I am feeling in my heart! I rejoice in hearing you share your testimony of experiencing the grace and truth of Jesus Christ in your life that bears witness with my experience.

There is a blessed and wonderful fellowship in being face to face (and heart to heart) with those who love Him. It loads us with a joy that cannot be put into words. There is a shared joy that is made full when the elder, the elect lady, and her children can come together in the presence of Almighty God that causes our cup to overflow! We may even have the privilege of bringing the loving embrace (greeting) of the children of elect sisters to our fellowship. So be it according to His will.

May it please Him to allow us fullness of joy in His presence and the presence of those whom He has called to love Him!


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