*[[Mal 3:6]] KJV* For I am the LORD, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.

As the church of the Living God, we need to give earnest consideration to the this simple truth. Our God IS the Lord. He is the Lord of the universe, but more personally, He is the Lord of our lives! He has been pleased to make our hearts His dwelling place. He keeps us in our joys and in our sorrows. There is no Lord besides Him, and we can have confidence in Him because He does not change.

We are told repeatedly that change is inevitable. But we have One we can trust in implicitly because He does not change! His promises are sure. His love is sure. His grace is sure. His chastisement is sure to those He loves. Everything about Him is unchangeable!

How can we know this to be absolute truth? Because the children of promise who have been called by His name are not consumed! He chastens us, but we are not destroyed. The world despises us, but they have never been able to consume us. Neither our joys nor our sorrows consume us, so that we don’t forget God. The fact we are not consumed is proof to us that He is our unchangeable, almighty Lord.

Praise His holy name!

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